Wow.... so much has happened the last couple years.
Back in 2018 I made the decision to get my Real Estate license and work on another stream of income for our family. It's been the BIGGEST blessing ever and I actually surprised myself with what I was able to accomplish even though it was HARD HARD HARD!!!!
Within a few months of getting my license Shane and I bought our very first home together and we are SUPER proud of that having rented for the first 10 years of our marriage.
I have REALLY ENJOYED making it feel like home. It would be close to impossible to catch up on all that has happened since I last posted here so I am not going to try. Just wanted to jump right in... share a few of my favorite home decor projects I've done and then HOPEFULLY find time to check in on a much more frequent basis!
This HOME hanger was one of the first projects I made for our front door. I found the idea for it on Pinterest and then had a friend cut the word "HOME" out of 1/8" birch using her laser wood cutter. Super easy and fun! I have a thing for buffalo plaid so I hope it stays around for a while.

This project was inspired by one of my crafty
Rebecca Propes!
Here's a link to hers so you can see it! I have this hanging on the wall outside our door in our entry way on the porch. I love the boho-chic vibe and the fun succulents!
This last project is a canvas I painted when I decided what my OLW (One Little Word) would be for 2020. Grace is something I constantly find myself NEEDING and also trying to extend as well.
I have this near my desk in my room so I am always
keeping GRACE in my heart.
Okay ..... I guess I will end with that. I have so much to share but want to focus on the future as well. Hopefully I can be better at posting all that's going on creatively and with my amazing family.
The other INCREDIBLE thing that happened last year is that my 26 year old daughter who I placed for adoption so long ago FOUND ME because of the site 23 & Me and a family member who was on there as well. This is something that I have PRAYED FOR ALL MY LIFE. Shane, my girls, Brody and Chloe... everyone LOVES HER and she fits into our family perfectly and fills a whole in my heart that has been forever missing. I can barely type this without my eyes welling up with tears. I will have to share more about all of
that in a future post.
Life is blessed even in the middle of a CRAZY unprecedented quarantine and Pandemic with COVID-19. Praying things get back to normal soon! Until next time!