Today I will share some Christmas sweets! Some edible and some not-so edible. Hee hee! This first insanely fun and cute stack of sugary deliciousness is something the girls and I have been working on the last few days. And we absolutely plan on making more of them. I saw this idea on a friend's Facebook page and knew right away I had to make some! I have a sugar cookie recipe that's been in my family for YEARS that is by far the best one I've ever tasted.... and I have no doubt it's the Almond and Lemon extract that sets it apart from all the rest. YUM!

Isn't it fun??? And it's so, so easy to make! All you need is a set of star-shaped cookie cutters. I have a set of four that I found at Hobby Lobby for super cheap. All different sizes. Made the cookies then iced them and stacked them up! Then added the little edible sprinkles and balls. I think there were three of each size cookie. anyhooo.... I love the recipe... for the icing too!!! So here it is for you... so you can try it out yourself!
Yummy Sugar Cookies
1 pound margarine
2 cups sugar
3 eggs
2 tsp. vanilla
1 tsp. lemon extract
1 tsp. almond extract
6 cups flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt
Cream together margarine and sugar. Add eggs and mix. Add vanilla, almond and lemon extracts then mix. Add 6 cups flour, baking soda and salt. Mix together then chill 1-2 hours in covered bowl. Bake at 375 degrees for 8-10 mins.
Icing Recipe:
1 box powdered sugar, 1/3 heaping cup butter or
shortening, 1 tsp. vanilla
Mix all ingredients together and add milk to get to desired consistency. Color with food coloring as needed.
If you end up baking some.... you'll have to share how you like them! I've never had anyone say this wasn't the best sugar cookie recipe ever! Seriously! LOL
Okay.... I'm going to be working away like crazy this coming week on some projects for Bo Bunny so you most likely won't hear from me again until next week sometime. Unless it's some quick Facebook posts. I'm ALWAYS posting over there! HA! But I thought I would leave you with something else that's super sweet! I have a couple of cards in the current issue of Create: Christmas Cards magazine by Northridge Publishing. It always makes me squeal like a kid at Christmas to see my creations in print so I wanted to share! I hope you're all enjoying this Holiday season! Hugs!