Hi again! I know... it's only been a few days since my last post. SHOCKER right? HA! I told you I'm changing some things up and it will get back to being super crafty around here! All KINDS of crafty! Most of you know I dabble in a lot of things. I have a brain that doesn't shut down. For all kinds of reasons but a lot of which is scrappy-crafty related! Hopefully YOU will enjoy that part as much as I enjoy sharing. Okay... this post is gonna be longer than normal for me so I better get to it!
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and saying so many wonderful things about my Winterings Cards. The lucky winner of the Winterings drawing is........
Sorry I decided to do the drawing a little early because I have a full weekend ahead with soccer, basketball, birthday parties... and much more! Sooooo.... Lisa P... email me please with your mailing info and I will get your goodies out to you! Congrats girl! And I hope you'll share what you create with the fun products!
Did anyone happen to notice my blog since you came here last? I thought it was time for something a little fun and festive! I've been playing around a lot lately with the cute little Instagram photos so I decided to use them in my banner. Holiday-ish right?
Which one is your fave?
Speaking of getting fun and festive... my home is looking a lot like Christmas. I'm sure yours is too! One of my favorite things to collect during this time of year is Snowmen of all kinds. Being born and raised in Arizona where we don't see snow unless we drive 3 hours North... the Snowmen hanging out around my house just makes it feel wintry and Christmas-y even when it's still 74 degrees outside. I love this little family of snowmen that sits on my bathroom counter. I was totally inspired by the colors and the glittery cuteness so I made a card using some older lines by October Afternoon.
Here's the card I created after being inspired by this sweet snowman family!
The fun snowman stamp is manufactured by
PaperSmooches and the set he came from is called
Swanky Snow Dudes. Seriously cute! Oh and for those who might be curious... the snowflakes are punched from a sheet of glittered foam from Hobby Lobby. The snowflake punch is just the XL size by Martha Stewart.
Some of you know how much I also love to play with digital scrapbooking. So I thought I would also share this super-cute snowman card I made a few weeks ago since he fits right in today!
Okay.... that's it for all things scrappy today but one more thing I wanted to share with you that totally tugged at my heartstrings! I do childcare here in my home full time and design when I can during naptimes or late at night. But yesterday one of my sweet kiddos turned TWO so I made her some cupcakes. Her name is Ariana. She's a doll. I have to share these sweet pics I got of her and the chain of events trying to eat her cupcake. She was soooo happy to have it. Then.... tragedy struck when the cupcake crumbled all over on the table in front of her. She was pretty devastated as you can see. LOL She really thought she wasn't going to get to eat it. THEN.... once she listened to me and I showed her how she could still eat it.... well... you can see how that turned out. HA!

I love kids. They are a lot of work. A LOT. But they do bring a lot of JOY. Especially our own. The ones who know how to get on your LAST nerve. But the same ones who know what it takes to turn Mommy or Daddy into mush in a hot second!
There's nothing so rewarding than being a Mom.
Thanks for stopping by today!
Have a great weekend and see ya next week!